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"The Elephant and the Monkey"150x150

"The Elephant and the Monkey"150x150

Acrylic Painting How so often a little monkeys chatter on your back can control a whole huge elephant….

The Cove   140x140

The Cove 140x140

Acrylic Painting After I saw the movie with the same name, this came out. As the water of the cove turned blood red I cried. No nature holds more cruelty than Human Beings.

"The Divine"(waiting 4 love) 100x150

"The Divine"(waiting 4 love) 100x150

Multi Layers of acrylic painting and paper. This divine woman stepped forward on Mallorca as I was working with my mentor Maja Dannegard. While singing " Cry Baby" on the top of my lungs she appeared. This moment I will never forget. Soul Strong"

"Queen of Pain"     125x98

"Queen of Pain" 125x98

Multi layers of acrylic paint and paper Inspired by the song with the same name, from the " Mellow" album. I see a naked woman making herself beautiful to a blind man.

"Leap of Faith"  110x160

"Leap of Faith" 110x160

Acrylic painting A vision of the future, a symbol of the strength to step forward in life and to dare to make the big move, make the changes needed for a happy life.

"Surrender"     190x130

"Surrender" 190x130

Multi layers of acrylic paint and pages taken from the book " The Second sex" by Simone Beauvoir. A comforting symbol like it is saying, "come into my arms I will protect you" This is inspired by an unreleased song with the same name.

"Ayla"  150x150

"Ayla" 150x150

Acrylic painting with collage of textile and book pages from the book " The second Sex" by Simone de Beauvoir The song Ayla, also called Daughter of the morning she expresses her love for nature, the quiet life in the country side, with clean air and fresh water. The balance between nature and mankind.

No Name

No Name

Bi-Polar    110x120

Bi-Polar 110x120

Acrylic Painting I was about to name it Bi-Winning…after seeing a very smart/confused/focused Charlie Sheen, this is what came to mind. One side is doing the talking while the other is quiet.

"Heavenly Chaos"    180x130

"Heavenly Chaos" 180x130

Multi layerd Acrylic Painting I find Chaos very creative, and this painting took ages to finish. It has changed colour and structure hundreds of times. Finally I managed to get some divine order in the blue.

"Ghosts and Dragons"  140x140   sold

"Ghosts and Dragons" 140x140 sold

Multi layers of acrylic pain The name is a line in a song I wrote called "Blessed" I been fighting ghosts and dragons, and I do know that the love I get relates to what I give.

"Concrete Flower"  106x128

"Concrete Flower" 106x128

Acrylic painting and collage with paper and raw canvas A song on the EP " Stroboscope Sky" The concrete flower is the most forceful, stubborn and beautiful one. She is fighting for the sunlight as she works her way up thru the concrete.

"Love Space"  120x85

"Love Space" 120x85

Collage Love the space you create. As simple as that.

"Oceanlove part 1"     60x60    sold

"Oceanlove part 1" 60x60 sold

Photo printed on textile and painted afterwards with acrylic paint This is a photo I took by the beach on my morning walk in Santa Monica, LA. I love California, it holds a magic to me and I miss it every time I'm not there. This piece belongs to th project " Paintings for Peace"

"Snowflake I"      70x70

"Snowflake I" 70x70

Acrylic painting Inspired by the lyric of the song with the same name. "I am nothing but a snowflake if you come to close or hold to hard i´ll fade away"

" Snowflake II"  70x70

" Snowflake II" 70x70

Acrylic painting Inspired by the lyric of the song with the same name. "I´ll be water in the springtime slowly soaked up by the sunlight"

"Hidden Words"   120x120

"Hidden Words" 120x120

Acrylic Painting and collage with old newspapers from the 40´s

"Time"   100x100    sold

"Time" 100x100 sold

Acrylic Painting Practicing patience in your own sweet time.

"Free Flowing"  80x80    sold

"Free Flowing" 80x80 sold

Acrylic Painting holds a message within the letters if you read them creatively.

"Someone watches over me" 90x130

"Someone watches over me" 90x130

Acrylic painting Somewhere up there beyond the clouds there is someone watching over me, in my case it is my grandfather…..

"Blurry Vision"   100x100   sold

"Blurry Vision" 100x100 sold

Acrylic Painting Also here the letters form a question. asking, how long will you lie to yourself?

"Divine Order"   90x90       sold

"Divine Order" 90x90 sold

Acrylic painting

"30 seconds"   80x80    sold

"30 seconds" 80x80 sold

Acrylic Painting

"If I was a wind"  40x98    sold

"If I was a wind" 40x98 sold

Collage w acrylic paint

"If I was a drop"    40x98    sold

"If I was a drop" 40x98 sold

Collage w acrylic paint

" Determination"  80x80     sold

" Determination" 80x80 sold

Collage and acrylic paint. Willpower and strength.

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