M e j a K u l l e r s t e n
Fine Art, Photography and Creative Expression

Sidekicks from the heart, for the heart...

When the big earthquake hit Japan followed by the tsunami in Fukoshima I got the strong urge to help. I contacted Dice Tsutsumi (Pixlar Studios) and joined forces with his grassroot organisation Artists Help Japan. They were already active in Paris, France, San Fransisco and Tokyo. I gathered my artistic friends for an online auction to raise money. The support was fantastic. ABBA, The Cardigans, Europe, InFlames, Mauro Scocco, Plura, September, Jonas Åkerlund, Maia Hirasawa and many more joined

I am a part of "Paintings for Peace" with other fellow artists. Read more about the project on the website below

I am an ambassador for The Non Violence Project. This sculpture I made out of small 1x1 cm plastic/glass pieces that I cut off from the big drop I used to have on stage as decoration. The Drop is about 1.90 high and used to hang as a backdrop.